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2022 AGM - live feed from the Armfield 11.00 am Today.

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A chance to hear from Ben Mansford and Brett Gerrity as well as Local MPs on progress with Football reform. BST news on a new fund raising initiative. Full agenda below

If you cant make it in person we intend to broadcast live with support from Lee Charles TV. Follow this link:

The agenda for the meeting will be as follows :

1) Presentation of Annual Accounts (year ending 30 June 2022)

2) Election results 2022

3) Fundraising and future work

4) Q & A with invited guests

Annual Accounts

A copy of this year’s accounts will be circulated shortly. We will give an oral report covering the main points to note, and take any questions.

Election Results 2022

Members will recall that this year four vacancies were advertised :

• three posts as part of our “election by thirds” policy, by which a third of the Committee positions are subject to an electoral contest every year. This year the three posts in question were those previously occupied by Francis Charlesworth, Tony Wilkinson and Pauline O’Rourke. Francis and Tony elected to re-stand. All these posts carry a three-year term of office running through to our AGM in 2025

• a fourth vacancy was created by the resignation of Neil Holden. Neil was one of our 2021 intake, and that position has a term of office running through to the AGM in 2024

In the event, only three candidates stood for election, and we will therefore ask the AGM to affirm that they are content for Tony WIlkinson, Francis Charlesworth and Patrick McChrystal to be elected to the three Committee positions running through to our AGM in 2025. This will be done by a simple show of hands.

We are planning to cover the one outstanding post by co-opting Members to help us in specialist skill areas, and may re-advertise it for a one year term at the AGM in 2023. We will advise you further in due course.


This item will be presented by Christine Seddon (assisted by BST Member Anthony Summers) and will set out our plans for a BST Monthly Prize Draw, which we hope to launch from December 2022.

Christine will set out the detail of what we hope to achieve, and how the money raised will be spent. Members will be able to sign up to take part in the draw at the meeting.

Q&A with invited guests

We are delighted to confirm that we have a strong line up of invited guests this year, who are happy to answer questions from Members and talk about future plans.

Ben Mansford and Brett Gerrity will attend on behalf of Blackpool FC. Members will recall that both kindly agreed to join us last year and led a very informative and helpful discussion. Should any other members of the BFC Senior Management team be able to attend we will publicise this nearer the date of the meeting

• local Members of Parliament Paul Maynard and Scott Benton have also agreed to attend. We hope they will be able to offer some Westminster perspectives on issues like the fan-led review of football, and the role that we can all play in responding to the current social and economic challenges that everyone is facing.

BST Chair Andy Higgins will preside over the meeting. We are hoping to make arrangements to record it and will confirm the details when we can. We are aiming to conclude by around 12.30 p.m.

BST Committee

21 October 2022


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